Memberships and Editorial in science
Editor in chief of the journal Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications)
Symmetry (SCI) IF2017=1.256 - Special Issue “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques for Improvement Sustainability Engineering Processes” – Guest Editor
Algorithms (WoS) Special Issue “Algorithms for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making” - Guest Editor
SPRINGER book “Decision-making in green and sustainable supply chain management using Fuzzy and Rough approaches” - Editor
Member of Editorial Committee of the journal Modern Problems of Russian Transport Complex
Member of the Scientific Committee 10. Scientific-professional conference “Students to meet science” with international participation in 2017. (Banja Luka).
Member of the Scientific Committee International Conference on Management, Engineering and Environment 2018 (Belgrade)
- Journals of Web of Science (WOS) SCI-E list:
- Dragan Pamučar, Željko Stević, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, (2018) Integration of interval rough AHP and interval rough MABAC methods for evaluating university web pages, Applied Soft Computing (IF2017=3.907)
- Stević, Ž., Đalić, I., Pamučar, D., Nunić, Z., Vesković, S., Vasiljević, M., & Tanackov, I. (2019). A new hybrid model for quality assessment of scientific conferences based on Rough BWM and SERVQUAL. Scientometrics, (IF2017=2.173) 1-30.
- Pamučar, D., Sremac, S., Stević, Ž., Ćirović, G., Tomić, D., New multi-criteria LNN WASPAS model for evaluating the work of advisors in the transport of hazardous goods (2019) Neural Computing & Applications. (IF2017=4.213)
- Željko Stević, Dragan Pamučar, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Goran Ćirović, Olegas Prentkovskis, (2017). “The Selection of Wagons for the Internal Transport of a Logistics Company: A Novel Approach Based on Rough BWM and Rough SAW Methods.” Symmetry (IF=1,457) 9, no. 11: 264.
- Željko Stević, Dragan Pamučar, Marko Vasiljević, Gordan Stojić, Sanja Korica, (2017), “Novel Integrated Multi-Criteria Model for Supplier Selection: Case Study Construction Company” Symmetry (IF2016=1.457) 9, no. 11: 279.
- Dragan Pamučar, Željko Stević, Siniša Sremac: A New Model for Determining Weight Coefficients of Criteria in MCDM Models: Full Consistency Method (FUCOM). Symmetry (IF2017=1.256) 09/2018; 10(9):1-22.,
- Željko Stević, Dragan Pamučar, Marko Subotić, Jurgita Antuchevičiene, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas: The Location Selection for Roundabout Construction Using Rough BWM-Rough WASPAS Approach Based on a New Rough Hamy Aggregator. Sustainability (IF2017=2.075) 08/2018; 10(8).
- Siniša Sremac, Stević Ž., Dragan Pamučar, Miloš Arsić, Bojan Matić: Evaluation of a third-party logistics (3PL) provider using a rough SWARA-WASPAS model based on a new rough dombi aggregator. Symmetry (IF2017=1.256) 08/2018; 10(8).,
- Radović, D.; Stević, Ž.; Pamučar, D.; Zavadskas, E.K.; Badi, I.; Antuchevičiene, J.; Turskis, Z. Measuring Performance in Transportation Companies in Developing Countries: A Novel Rough ARAS Model. Symmetry (IF2017=1.256) 2018, 10, 434.
- Stević, Ž.; Stjepanović, Ž.; Božičković, Z.; Das, D.K.; Stanujkić, D. (2018). Assessment of Conditions for Implementing Information Technology in a Warehouse System: A Novel Fuzzy PIPRECIA Method. Symmetry (IF2017=1.256) 10,586.
- Prentkovskis, O., Erceg, Ž., Stević, Ž., Tanackov, I., Vasiljević, M., & Gavranović, M. (2018). A New Methodology for Improving Service Quality Measurement: Delphi-FUCOM-SERVQUAL Model. Symmetry, (IF2017=1.256) 10(12), 757.
- Matić, B., Jovanović, S., Das, D. K., Zavadskas, E. K., Stević, Ž., Sremac, S., & Marinković, M. (2019). A New Hybrid MCDM Model: Sustainable Supplier Selection in a Construction Company. Symmetry, (IF2017=1.256) 11(3), 353.
- Stojčić, M., Zavadskas, E. K., Pamučar, D., Stević, Ž., & Mardani, A. (2019). Application of MCDM Methods in Sustainability Engineering: A Literature Review 2008–2018. Symmetry, (IF2017=1.256) 11(3), 350.
- Adis Puška, Safet Kozarevic, Željko Stević, Jasmin Stovrag: A New Way of Applying Interval Fuzzy Logic in Group Decision Making For Supplier Selection. Economic computation and economic cybernetics studies and research/Academy of Economic Studies (IF2017=0.664) 06/2018; 52(2)., DOI: 10.24818/18423264/
- Željko Stević, Marko Vasiljević, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Siniša Sremac, Zenonas Turskis: Selection of carpenter manufacturer using fuzzy EDAS method. Engineering Economics (IF2017=0.709) 06/2018; 29(3):281-290.,
- Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Željko Stević, Ilija Tanackov, Olegas Prentkovskis: A Novel Multicriteria Approach – Rough Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis Method (R-SWARA) and Its Application in Logistics. Studies in Informatics and Control (IF2017=1.020) 03/2018; 27(1):97-106.,
- Tomašević M., Ralević N., Stević Ž., Marković V., Tešić Z., (2018). Adaptive fuzzy model for determination of quality assessment services in supply chain, Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, (IF2017=0.686) Vol. 25, No 6,
- Stević., Ž., Vasiljević, M., Puška, A., Tanackov, I., Junevičius, R., & Vesković, S. (2019). Evaluation of suppliers under uncertainty: a multiphase approach based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy EDAS. Transport, (IF2017=1.267) 34(1), 52-66.
- Željko Stević, Ilija Tanackov, Marko Vasiljević, Boris Novarlić, Gordan Stojić: An integrated fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS model for supplier evaluation. Serbian Journal of Management 04/2016; 11(1):15-27., DOI:10.5937/sjm11-10452
- Boris Novarlić, Željko Stević, Predrag Đurić, Marko Vasiljević: Efficiency in organizing transport routes as part of the city waste management: Proposal for innovative way of transport. International Journal for Quality Research 09/2017; 11(3):507-524., DOI:10.18421/IJQR11.03-02
- Gordan Stojić, Željko Stević, Jurgita Antucheviciene, Dragan Pamučar, Marko Vasiljević: A Novel Rough WASPAS Approach for Supplier Selection in a Company Manufacturing PVC Carpentry Products. Information (Switzerland) 05/2018; 9(5)., DOI:10.3390/info9050121
- Željko Stević, Enis Mulalić, Zdravko Božičković, Slavko Vesković, Irena Đalić: Economic analysis of the project of warehouse centralization in the paper production company. Serbian Journal of Management 04/2018; 13(1):47-62., DOI:10.5937/sjm13-13608
- Stojčić, M.; Pamučar, D.; Mahmutagić, E.; Stević, Ž. Development of an ANFIS Model for the Optimization of a Queuing System in Warehouses. Information 2018, 9, 240.
International journals
- Želјko Stević, Zdravko Božičković, Bilјana Mićić, „Optimization of the Import of Chipboard - a case study“, International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 14(1), September-November, 2015, IJEBEA 15-425, pp. 19-23
- Želјko Stević, Criteria for supplier selection: A literature review, International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 19(1), Dec. 2016-Feb.2017, pp. 23-27
- Želјko Stević, Modeling performance of logistics subsystems using fuzzy approach. Transport & Logistics: the International Journal, 2017; Volume 17, Issue 42,, ISSN 2406-1069 pp. 30-39
- Badi, Ibrahim., Stević, Želјko, Novarlić Boris, Emergency medical service location problem: A case study in Misurata, Libya. Transport & Logistics: the International Journal, 2017; Volume 17, Issue 43, October 2017, ISSN 2406-1069
- Radović, Dunja, Željko Stević. “Evaluation and selection of KPI in transport using SWARA method.” [Transport & Logistics])( 18.44 (2018).
University book
Publications in national journals and at International scientific conferences: over 50 papers.
- Zdravko Nunić, Želјko Stević, Transportna sredstva i uređaji zbirka riješenih zadataka, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Saobraćajni fakultet Doboj 2019.
- Marko Vasiljević, Željko Stević, Logistički kontroling, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Saobraćajni fakultet Doboj 2018
- Asib Alihodžić, Željko Stević, Specijalne oblasti logistike, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Saobraćajni fakultet Doboj 2014
- Serified mentor for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) Project on Establishment and Promotion of Mentoring Service in Small and Medium Enterprises in the Western Balkans (Phase 2), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Republic agency for SME of Republic of Srpska
Honours and awards
- Medal merit for the people in the field of education and science 09.01.2018. (received from president of Republic of Srpska)
- The best young researcher of the 3rd cycle (Doctoral) studies - (Festival of Science 2017) Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Srpska, November 2017
- Scholarship: Fond dr Milan Jelić - Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Srpska 2017.
- Scholarship: Fond dr Milan Jelić - Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Srpska 2015.
- Member of International Society on MCDM (Multicriteria Decision Making)
- Member of the Council for connecting with the labor market of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering Doboj
- External associate for the projects of the Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises of the City of Doboj
- Cited more than 100 times on SCOPUS and more than than 300 times in other journals and at International scientific conferences
- Recognized reviewer in the academic community as can be seen from the number of recognized reviews in scientific journals in the world: Publons
- In mentioned researches, Željko Stević has developed a few new models. These models now are used by other researchers across the world. Some of his studies are related to solving problems in the Danube region.
- He has been a mentor in four bachelor thesis and member of the commission in seven such thesis.
- Member in commission for assessing the suitability of candidates, topics, and mentors for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation (Tatjana Savković, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences 012-199/2-2019)